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Hal Bahr is a full-time certified professional astrologer and Human Design practitioner who has worked with many hundreds of clients around the world, taught classes, and spoken to groups and on podcasts about both astrology and Human Design from a number of perspectives.  His extensive study and practice can be summed up in one simple statement; “When we stop trying to be what we are not and instead fully recognize and embrace what we are we become magnets for success, happiness, and the serendipity of being the right person in the right place at the right time.” 

​This 19 week course will immerse you in the basics of Human Design in an interactive, experiential way through your own chart rather than through passive theoretical lecture. We will start with the energy centers one at a time using exercises, observation, and experimentation so that each person gets a unique and personal understanding grounded in his or her own body. Each week you will be encouraged to go out into the world and observe your experiences with these centers and then return the following week to share those observations, questions, and insights adding to the collective depth of knowledge.  At the end of the series you will leave with a personal understanding of yourself and others you didn't have coming into the course that will serve you well for the rest of your life whether you ever decide to go further with your studies of Human Design or not.

​This special pricing, Human Design Level 1 curriculum will be recorded and conducted via live conference calls held:


August 20, 2012 - January 14, 2013

9:00 PM Eastern time

8:00 PM Central time
7:00 PM Mountain time
6:00 PM Pacific time

5 months $49.94 per month

The 22 Steps
live well and flourish

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