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to Ka ho'omalmalama

It's been said that the great tragedy in life is that so many of us "give up what we most want, for what we want in the moment."

Do you know what it is that you most want? 

Are you aware that actions you're choosing to take right here, right now, may be costing you something far more important, calling out to you from deep within, regarding your inspired future?

Who are you destined to be? 
Do you have choice in the matter?

A matter of CHOICE

I am an Individual seeking to flourish in a world where I can merge my deepest inner calling with how my ego and personality express themselves in the outer factual world.

I am an Executive manifesting corporate strategies with emergent and ongoing business success.  

Do human beings really have choice?
And if so...

A matter of CHOICE

Can you choose abundance?
Can you choose love?
Can you choose life? 

The 22 Steps

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